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Call For Volunteers


The Town of Morris is looking for volunteers to help set-up and operate a Reception Center. The Reception Center is located in the Morris Multiplex Convention Center, adjacent to the Town Office and volunteers will report to the Multiplex Facilities Director – Melissa Marion. The Reception Center normally serves as a gathering place for people that need assistance, due to a local emergency and will normally operate for a short duration, a maximum of 3 days.


During a road closure where commercial accommodation can no longer accommodate the number of people stranded within the Town of Morris.

During a fire, a dangerous goods incident etc. where people must be evacuated out of the area, to a safe    location, where they can be temporarily accommodated. 

Volunteer duties could include but not limited to:

  • Report to the Reception Center on being called.
  • Set up of Reception Center (tables, chairs, post signage etc.), to include a Registration Center inside/outside of the Reception Center.
  • Assist with the Registration of personnel/evacuees, gathering of contact info as specified on the provided Registration Forms.
  • Help with the immediate personal needs of the personnel/evacuees etc. as they arrive and throughout their stay in the Reception Center.
  • Assist with Childcare in the Reception Center.
  • Assist with Pet care in the Reception Center.
  • Provide care and reassurance for unattended children.
  • Help arrange and assist with recreational activities.
  • Or other duties as specified by the Multiplex Facilities Manager.


Training will be provided.  We are planning an Exercise later in the year which will include discussion on how, where, when etc. the Reception Center can be activated and it’s role in supporting an Emergency/Non-Emergency Incident.  

Number of Volunteers

We would like to have a callable list of 20 plus volunteers to allow for the flexibility of working shifts, volunteers being away or unable to work for certain time periods.


All volunteers will be screened and selected by the Multiplex Facilities Manager. 

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying as a volunteer to work in the Reception Center, please fill out the attached Volunteer Application and e- mail it to:
Town of Morris Volunteer Application

  • Wellness Centre Registration